Think that we should all be acting together on climate and not profiting from the destruction of our habitat? Think it’s time that our pension actions aligned with the emergency we’re facing?
Then please join us to spread this message about our own local pension funds.
We are looking for people to join us and support a fun visual action in Aylesbury in a few week’s time (music and theatre). No arrestable activity is planned.
Please see the event details for exact timing and location.
If you’re interested let us know via xrmk@rebellionmk.earth or add a comment below.
People of Milton Keynes. Our council also has funds in the brunel pension fund, our council leader requested a divestment which been denied and teh council not got powers to push things. we must rise up together on this if we want to be the greenest city in the world, as declared and voted for by all our council ward cllrs in Jan 2019 please see video of that meeting here >> https://www.facebook.com/XRMiltonKeynes/videos/2068061816608624/
Yes, interested (I’m an MKC pensioner) and could take others from NW MK. Reply by email but I’m away Sat 22 – Weds 28 Feb (likely no email but phonable on 07708-310402).
Chris Coppock
I am disgusted at the reports of Extinction Rebellion tearing up ancient lawns in Cambridge colleges. This is wanton vandalism not justified by any investments the colleges may have or anything else.
Thank you for your feedback. Unfortunately we are unable to offer any feedback on the Cambridge activity as this is not something we are involved in. I can assure you that the local divestment activity is visual / theatrical only and is aimed at informing local residents that their pension money (£85 million at the last count) is being used to vandalise and destroy our planet on an enormous scale, cashing in our local children’s health and futures for short term profit, and that their pension money is at risk of being lost due to the risk of sudden devaluation of the associated investments. We hope that this causes a similar level of outrage and that you might join us there to share your concerns.
Thank you for following our activity.