In response to COVID-19 our planned event for this Saturday 14th has evolved into an online event, to protect the health of rebels, and our wider communities.
We apologise for the late changes – we had to think quickly and responsibly, and hope that everyone understands. If you made a donation, we will, of course, refund it if you wish.

So, please join us for this innovative alternative, where Gail will be sharing her thoughts on COVID-19 and it’s relationship to climate breakdown. We’ll also be discussing UK strategy, the postponed rebellion, adaptation and resilience, and how we can support each other and the vulnerable in our community. Join us for a virtual cup of tea, too, for a Q&A panel on whatever we fancy!
If you have any questions or topics you want Gail or the group to discuss either add a comment here or send them in ahead of time
Let’s look after ourselves, and each other. Stay well, love and rage, Milton Keynes Rebels
To join via zoom use the links below or join us on the Watch Party
Watch Party
Go to and hit that “Watch Party” button “
3.00-4.00 House Meeting zoom
4.00-4.50 Strategy, Rebellion adaptation and resilience zoom
5.00-6.00 Q&A Panel Discussion zoom